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  • Enjoy your me-time

    me-time = quality time

  • Individually designed rooms

    pick your favourite room => direct bookers only 🙂

    Our rooms

  • To the city center? You’re right there!

    From Museumsquartier to St. Stephen´s Cathedrale – the most important sights are just a short walk away

    In the middle of Vienna

Terms and conditions

Our terms and conditions are based on the Österreichische Hotelvertragsbedingungen (ÖHVB), with the exception of terms follwing:

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für die Hotellerie (AGBH) – WKO

Cancellation policy and liability for bookings

Individual bookings can – if not agreed otherwise – be cancelled at no charge until 5 days before the scheduled arrival. Group bookings (6 persons and more) can be cancelled at no charge until 4 weeks before the scheduled arrival.

Every guest is liable for the entire bill related to his room. In case of reservations by third parties the guest is liable for unpaid bills.

Rooms that are not paid in advance will only be held until 5:00 p.m. Any unforeseen delay needs to be communicated by phone immediately.


We accept cash, VISA or Mastercard as well as Bankomat/EC ATM-cards, provided the proper function of any hardware by the service provider (payLife). Minimum card payment is € 25,-.

Non-smoking hotel

Hotel Kugel is a non-smoking hotel! In case of violations we reserve the right to charge a surcharge for cleaning of € 300,-. In case of fire alarm because of illegal smoking we charge the full fire brigade amount.

Additions and amendments

Any additions and/or amendments to these terms and conditions are only valid if mutually agreed and recorded in writing.

COVID19-measurements and rules

As our guest you accept all government regulations that might occur before, during  or after your stay and you accept to follow all special Hotel rules to keep our staff members, all other guests and all people in our Hotel safe and healthy. As our guest  strictly follow all safety rules and obey all the laws!


Safety rules:

With a booking in the Boutique Hotel Kugel I agree to follow all safety instructions that are posted in the hotel room and in public areas. In case of emergency I call the number +43 1 523 33 55.

  • Review the emergency plan posted in your room
  • Locate the closest emergency exit and familiarize yourself with the emergency route upon arrival